About this disease

What it is about

Hippocrates already described and treated scoliosis. The cause is unclear in most cases, but there is a family history. Scoliosis is the term used to describe a curvature of the back in which the vertebral bodies are inclined at more than 10 degrees to each other. This affects about one percent of the population. Mild scoliosis occurs with about equal frequency in girls and boys. More severe curvatures are much more common in girls. Most scolioses do not occur until after the age of ten.

Symptoms and consequences

In most cases, scoliosis does not cause any pain. It is therefore usually discovered by chance by the parents or on the occasion of a check-up. In the case of a pronounced curvature, occasional complaints may occur as a result of the deformity or the increased holding work that the muscles must perform. On the other hand, acute back pain with relieving posture can also only simulate the image of scoliosis.

What we do for you

Examination and diagnosis

During the examination of the child, attention is paid to a straight pelvic and shoulder position, the body plumb line is measured and symmetry is observed. Further diagnostics by means of X-rays of the entire spine are often useful. In the case of atypical curvature, conspicuous clinical examination findings or very young patients, an MRI examination is also performed.


The cornerstone of treatment is physiotherapy, whereby exercises are learned to self-correct the curvature through muscle use and breathing. If the curvature is more severe or clearly progressing, corset therapy is also indicated. Such a shell corset is fitted by an orthopedic technician. Regular check-ups take place in consultation with the physiotherapist and the attending physicians. Only when the angle exceeds 40 to 45 degrees should surgical correction be considered.

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