Consultations & Services

Consultations & Services

Donating Blood

Asylstrasse 10
8708 Männedorf

Tel. +41 44 922 23 45

I want to donate - here's how

I feel healthy, I am between 18 and 65 years old and I weigh at least 50 kg.

Opening hours blood donation center

Spezielle Öffnungszeiten montags - Februar bis April, eine Stunde länger, 14-19.30: 5. Februar, 4. März, 8. April
Tuesday and Wednesday
8-11.30 and 13:30-18 h
Spezielle Öffnungszeiten dienstags - Februar bis April, 8-18 Uhr durchgehend: 27. Februar, 19. März, 23. April
Blood donation remains closed
on the following dates
1.-3. April (Ostern)

There is no COVID-19 certificate requirement for blood donation.

Book blood donation appointment online

Click here to go to the booking platform.
Contact us if you need help with online booking +41 44 922 23 45

Book appointment

Thank you for your donation!