About this disease

What it concerns

Anal abscesses can form due to simple inflammation of hair roots in the anal area, due to clogged and inflamed anal glands, and due to fistulas. Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease also often lead to abscesses in the anal region.

Symptoms and consequences

In the case of an anal abscess, there is an increasingly painful and steadily increasing swelling in the anal area. This may be accompanied by fever and chills. Occasionally, the abscess opens spontaneously and pus is discharged. If a fistula - a connecting duct between the rectum and the skin around the anus - develops, this leads to a purulent or even boil-like secretion.

How we can help you

Examination and diagnosis

During the proctological examination, the skin around the anus is closely inspected, and an anal abscess can usually be seen immediately. If the abscess is not directly visible, an ultrasound examination is performed through the anus. This sonography allows the rectal wall and sphincter apparatus to be examined. Anal abscesses and anal fistulas can be identified very well here.


If an anal abscess is present, we will advise surgical opening to allow the pus to drain. The procedure is performed under a short anesthesia and is usually performed on an outpatient basis. After six weeks, a proctological follow-up is performed, during which we perform an ultrasound examination of the rectum. This would reveal any fistulas.

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