About this disease

What it is about

Myomas can be detected in up to 70 percent of all women. If they are very large, grow rapidly, or cause bleeding problems, surgical treatment may be necessary. Myomas only degenerate in the rarest cases, which is why therapy is not necessary if there are no symptoms. In this case, regular ultrasound checks are sufficient.


In the uterus, fibroids can occur on the inner wall, on the outer wall as well as in the middle muscle layer. Accordingly, fibroids on the anterior muscle wall may cause pressure on the urinary bladder in addition to bleeding disorders. The internal fibroids can rarely lead to infertility or miscarriage.

Symptoms and consequences

The most common symptoms are heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding and intermenstrual bleeding. Rarely, there is pressure on the urinary bladder with altered bladder emptying, as well as infertility or miscarriage.

What we do for you

Examination and diagnosis

Myomas are classically diagnosed by vaginal ultrasound and precisely measured. In the case of fibroids diagnosed for the first time, follow-up examinations are performed after three to six months at the earliest. If no change in size is detectable, annual checks are sufficient.


Treatment is only necessary in case of discomfort or rapid growth of fibroids. If family planning is complete, hysterectomy is the treatment of choice. It is a minimally invasive, safe and low-complication operation. In contrast, the more complicated removal of individual fibroids with preservation of the uterus. This is a possible treatment option in case of infertility. Priority drug therapy to reduce the size of the fibroids is controversial.

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