About this disease

What it is about

Sleep apnea syndrome is characterized by pronounced daytime sleepiness up to the point of being forced to fall asleep - so-called microsleep - as well as a number of other symptoms and secondary diseases. Sleep apnea is one of the sleep-related breathing disorders. The term comes from the Greek and means something like "without breath". Sleep apnea disrupts sleep and ensures that a person with the syndrome does not wake up refreshed in the morning. This is often true for the person in the bed next to them as well, since sleep apnea is associated with particularly loud and irregular snoring.

Symptoms and consequences

Sleep apnea has consequences. In general, sleep is disturbed: people with sleep apnea suffer from a chronic sleep deficit and from fatigue during the day. Affected persons are also forgetful and have difficulty concentrating. This increases the risk of accidents on the road, among other things. Some people with sleep apnea also suffer from anxiety or depression. In some cases, the breathing disorder leads to headaches, especially in the morning hours, and to reduced sexual desire. In men, erectile dysfunction can occur.

What we do for you

Examination and diagnosis

The initial assessment consists of a detailed interview and a physical examination. If there is a reasonable suspicion of sleep apnea, a sleep medical examination is performed using respiratory polygraphy. This can be done in the comfort of your own bed at home. In special cases, a polysomnography must be performed in the hospital.


CPAP ventilation is the common therapy for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. CPAP is usually applied through a nasal mask. The method stabilizes the upper airway, from the nasal inlet to the trachea, by applying gentle pressure throughout the breathing cycle. For patients who cannot be optimally treated with CPAP therapy, there are several alternatives.

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