An apprenticeship in the healthcare sector is a good start, but also a sensible second step. It usually begins directly after high school (secondary school A or B) and concludes with a federal certificate of proficiency. Not only are there many ways to enter the profession, but there are also many other options. At Männedorf Hospital, we offer apprenticeships in various areas.
Health specialist
The training includes a wide range of work areas. For example, you will be involved in the care and support of our patients (e.g. help with washing and dressing), medical technology (e.g. blood sampling), administration and logistics (e.g. orders) or housekeeping tasks (e.g. cleaning). More information about the job description can be found at or at the Center for Education in Healthcare.
In order for you to learn to work independently and on your own responsibility, you will be guided and supported by the vocational trainer. At the vocational school in Winterthur you will acquire your theoretical knowledge, which will be linked with practical exercises in inter-company courses at the ODA Health and put into practice in the hospital. After the three-year apprenticeship, you will be offered a wide range of challenging opportunities for further training.
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Die Bewerbungen können jeweils ab dem 1. Juli eingereicht werden; der Ausbildungsstart erfolgt ein Jahr später. Offene Ausbildungsstellen werden frühzeitig im Bereich Jobs & Bewerbung ausgeschrieben. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Fatjona Bekjiri, Bildungsverantwortliche
+41 44 922 28 09Possibilities to get to know more
To make it easier for interested parties to choose a profession, we regularly organize two-day insight days into the nursing professions. Current dates can be found on our registration form. For further information, please contact our training team:, +41 44 922 28 20
Our three- to six-month career orientation internships in the nursing service can also be helpful in choosing a career. For further information and inquiries about the internship, please contact the nursing department directly:, +41 44 922 28 01
Home economics specialist
During the three-year apprenticeship, you will be trained in the many interesting fields of activity of housekeeping. Whether it's a room, a corridor or a common room: housekeeping specialists clean professionally, thoroughly and in an environmentally friendly manner. In the kitchen, you will prepare cold and hot meals as well as desserts and serve them in the patients' rooms, in the restaurant or at the café bar. They sort laundry, prepare it professionally, repair it if necessary and then supply the hospital with clean laundry.
In further assignments, the housekeeping specialists learn to manage stocks and to carry out administrative work with the computer. They also acquire basic knowledge in room and table decoration as well as plant care.
Have we aroused your interest? Apprenticeships start in the summer of each year. Open training positions are advertised in good time in the Jobs & Applications section. We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & Information
Beatrice Ledergerber, Project Manager Facility Management
+41 44 922 22 08 -
Childcare specialist
We offer the three-year training to become a childcare specialist in our hospital's own daycare center. You will work in a small team with a mixed-age group. Three trained instructors will guide you competently. You will complete the theoretical part at the vocational and further training school in Winterthur, BFS.
Vocational orientation internship
For those interested, we offer a one-year internship to help you decide on a career. You will be guided by trained early childhood educators and/or childcare specialists and prepared for the training to become a childcare specialist. The internship gives you an in-depth insight into the field of childcare.
Have we aroused your interest? Apprenticeships start in the summer of each year. Open training positions are advertised in good time in the Jobs & Applications section. If you are interested in an internship year, please contact us personally. We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & Information
Margrit Kunz, Nursery Manager
+41 44 922 22 47 -
Business administrator
As a business administrator in the healthcare sector, you will plan and organize business and service processes and develop service offerings. During the three-year apprenticeship, you will complete assignments in various departments such as reception/telephone center, patient admission, patient accounting, purchasing/logistics, accounting and human resources. The commercial training in our hospital is extremely diverse and varied.
Have we aroused your interest? Apprenticeships start in the summer of each year. Open training positions are advertised in good time in the Jobs & Applications section. We look forward to receiving your application!
Career information morning
Am 24. Oktober 2024 findet ein Berufsinformationsmorgen für Schülerinnen und Schüler statt:
Anmeldung bitte über Agenda Spital MännedorfQuestions & Information
Claudia Schmidweber, Human Resource Management
+41 44 922 29 47 -
The hospital kitchen offers creative and resilient young people an ideal field of activity for training as a cook. During the three-year apprenticeship, trainees prepare hot and cold dishes as well as desserts. They learn all the work processes from menu planning to the processing of products, the various cooking methods and the presentation of dishes of all kinds. Our apprentice chefs regularly take part in cooking competitions.
Have we aroused your interest? Apprenticeships start in the summer of each year. Open training positions are advertised in good time in the Jobs & Applications section. We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & InformationSebastian Kuhnert, Chef
+41 44 922 22 70 -
Logistics technician EBA
As a logistics technician EBA in healthcare, you are responsible for the professional management and storage of goods. You receive delivered goods, check them and book them in the computer system. With the help of pedestrian stackers or conveyor systems, you transport the goods in an appropriate manner - medical consumables have different handling requirements than medications, screws or hazardous chemicals.
Ordered goods are picked, staged and delivered to the various stations. Your tasks also include regular checking of stock levels to ensure that neither overstocks nor bottlenecks occur.
During the two-year apprenticeship, you will complete assignments in various departments, such as purchasing, technology and maintenance departments, as well as an internship with an external partner company. In addition, you will learn about various professional topics at several external inter-company courses. The logistical tasks involved in this training at our hospital are extremely varied and diverse.
Have we aroused your interest? Apprenticeships start in the summer of each year. Open training positions are advertised in good time in the Jobs & Applications section. We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & Information
Stefano De Sousa, Teamleiter Logistik
+41 44 922 27 99 -
Medizinische/r Praxisassistent/in
Die Ausbildung ist spannend und vielschichtig. So durchlaufen Sie in Ihrer Ausbildung verschiedene Bereiche wie Administration, Sprechstunde und Diagnostik. Weitere Informationen zum Berufsbild finden Sie unter
Sie werden durch kompetente Berufsbildnerinnen angeleitet und unterstützt und an der Berufsschule erwerben Sie Ihr theoretisches Wissen.
Nach der dreijährigen Ausbildung bieten sich Ihnen vielseitige und herausfordernde Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Die Bewerbungen können jeweils ab der 2. Augustwoche eingereicht werden; der Ausbildungsstart erfolgt ein Jahr später.
Offene Ausbildungsstellen werden frühzeitig im Bereich Jobs & Bewerbung ausgeschrieben. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Fragen & AuskünfteHeidi Löhmer,
+41 44 922 46 80 -
Die Ausbildung beinhaltet vielseitige Arbeitsbereiche. So wirken Sie beim Bewirtschaften, der Reinigung und der Desinfektion sowie bei der Sterilisation und dem Verpacken von Medizinprodukten mit. Sie leisten durch Ihre Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Infektionsprävention und minimieren so die Gesundheitsgefährdung von Patientinnen und Patienten.
Mehr Informationen zum Berufsbild finden Sie unter oder beim Careum Bildungszentrum .
Damit Sie selbständiges und eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten lernen, werden Sie durch die berufsbildenden Personen angeleitet und unterstützt. An der Berufsschule in Zürich erwerben Sie Ihr theoretisches Wissen, welches in überbetrieblichen Kursen an der ODA Gesundheit mit praktischen Übungen vernetzt, und im Betrieb umgesetzt wird. Nach der dreijährigen Ausbildung bieten sich Ihnen vielseitige und herausfordernde Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Die Firma sermaX AG bietet alle 1-2 Jahre einen Ausbildungsplatz an unserem Standort im Spital Männedorf an.
Eliane Baumer
Leitungs Schulungs- und Risikomanagement
Ausbildungsverantwortliche MPT
+41 33 439 72 00Schnuppermöglichkeiten
Um Interessierten die Berufswahl zu erleichtern, bieten wir nach Rücksprache Schnuppertage an. Für weitere Auskünfte wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Eliane Baumer
Leitungs Schulungs- und Risikomanagement
Ausbildungsverantwortliche MPT
Auch unsere Berufsorientierungspraktika in der Aufbereitungseinheit für Medizinprodukte (AEMP) können hilfreich bei der Berufswahl sein. Für weitere Informationen und Rückfragen zum Praktikum wenden Sie sich gerne direkt an die Abteilung:
Stanko Jakobovic, Leiter Sterilisation Standort Spital Männedorf AG
Higher technical education
Higher technical colleges (HF) offer courses with a high level of practical relevance. In the healthcare sector, the focus is on rapid integration into working life. Prerequisites are usually a general education degree (DMS/FMS or Matura) or a completed basic vocational training. Graduates are in high demand in the industry and have good prospects for promotion.
At the higher specialist training level, we provide training at Männedorf Hospital in nursing, in the laboratory, in the area of surgical nursing, radiology as well as in paramedicine and offer internships and direct employment.
Biomedical Analytics HF
The training to become a certified biomedical analyst HF takes place at the Careum Training Center in Zurich. You can complete the qualifying internship required for admission in our hospital laboratory. We also offer the possibility of direct employment. The internships take place in our hospital laboratory and in parts at Kempf and Pfalz.
Two-day qualifying internship
Registration is done by the candidate personally, the time of the internship is determined together with the laboratory director.
One-year training internship
In our polyvalent hospital laboratory, we offer the opportunity for a one-year internship in the specialties of clinical chemistry and hematology in collaboration with the Careum Education Center. During this time, you will also gain a basic insight into the specialty of immunohematology.
Have we aroused your interest? The training starts in September each year. Ms. Beatrice von Rechenberg is looking forward to receiving your application!
Information & Registration
Beatrice von Rechenberg, Head of Laboratory
+41 44 922 23 30 -
Nursing HF
Männedorf Hospital offers the possibility of direct employment for HF nursing students with the specialization "Adult acute / somatic". All internships are completed at the hospital. By arrangement, an internship can be carried out with one of our cooperation partners: Psychiatry, Long Term or Spitex. The theory semesters take place at one of our partner schools Careum Bildungszentrum (CBZ) or at the Center for Healthcare Education (ZAG).
Advantages of direct employment by Männedorf Hospital:
- Training has a long tradition at the hospital. The modern training concept is implemented by dedicated employees on the training wards
- Medium-sized, well-organized acute hospital offering the disciplines of surgery, medicine, palliative care, obstetrics, urology and oncology under one roof
- Opportunity to have a say in the choice of training station
- Insight days in different, self-selected fields of expertise
- Specific learning transfer days, in which topics of the training station are deepened
Have we aroused your interest? Apprenticeships start in March and September. Open training positions are advertised in good time in the Jobs & Applications section. For further information on the application process, please refer to our information sheet (PDF). We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & Information
Ursula Müller, Leitung Bildung
+41 44 922 28 19Career choice
To make it easier for interested parties to choose a profession, we regularly organize two-day insight days into the nursing professions. Current dates can be found on our registration form. For further information, please contact our training team:, +41 44 922 28 20
Our three- to six-month career orientation internships in the nursing service can also be helpful in choosing a career. For further information and inquiries about the internship, please contact the nursing department directly:, +41 44 922 28 01
Paramedic HF
Der Berufsalltag von Dipl. Rettungssanitäter:innen HF und solchen in Ausbildung dreht sich zum grössten Teil um die präklinischen Notfalleinsätze sowie zudem um Interhospitaltransfers. Sie gewährleisten selbständig eine professionelle Untersuchung, Versorgung und Rettung von Patientinnen und Patienten – von der Geburt bis hin zu den ältesten Mitmenschen. Ob die Hilfeersuchenden ein medizinisches, ein traumatologisches, ein neurologisches, ein chirurgisches, ein gynäkologisches oder anderweitiges Problem aufweisen – die Rettungsdienstmitarbeitenden wissen mit allen Situationen umzugehen. Wo nötig, wird in enger Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Fachleuten der notwendige Support zur Verfügung gestellt – z.B. Notärzte, Feuerwehr, Polizei und diverse weitere. Darüber hinaus stellen Rettungsdienstmitarbeitende die Infrastruktur, Technik, und Logistik sicher.
Der Rettungsdienst Spital Männedorf bietet 2 Ausbildungsplätze pro Jahr an. Die Anstellung erfolgt jeweils per 1. März oder 1. September und dauert 3.5 Jahre. Die ersten 6 Monate werden zur Einführung in die praktischen rettungsdienstlichen Tätigkeiten und insbesondere in die Funktionen des Fahrens sowie Zudienens genutzt. In dieser Zeit kann man sich an die Schichtarbeit gewöhnen und bereits viele Skills erlernen. Während den nachfolgenden 6 Semestern findet die Ausbildung weiterhin betriebsintern, an der Höheren Fachschule für Rettungsberufe HFRB sowie in unterschiedlichen Praktika statt.
Möchten Sie einen Einblick in die rettungsdienstliche Tätigkeit erhalten? Melden Sie sich für ein Praktikum bei uns! Mehr Informationen zum Praktikum im Rettungsdienst.
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Offene Ausbildungsstellen werden frühzeitig im Bereich Jobs & Bewerbung ausgeschrieben, ein Job-Abo kann ebenfalls abonniert werden. Alle Informationen zum Bewerbungsverfahren entnehmen Sie bitte unserem Infoblatt (PDF). Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Questions & Information
Team Leader Vocational Training Rescue Service
+41 44 922 20 95 -
Surgical technology HF
As a certified surgical technician HF, you will be involved in surgical procedures by assisting, instrumenting and ensuring the care and support of patients. Detailed information about the job description, the training and the admission procedure can be found at the Careum Education Center.
Two-day qualifying internship
Candidates for training at the Careum Education Center have the opportunity to complete their qualifying internship, which is required for admission, in our operating room. The optimal duration is five days. The registration is done by the candidate personally, the time of the internship is arranged individually.
In addition, we offer the possibility of direct employment for HF surgical technology students at Männedorf Hospital. All internships are completed at the hospital. By arrangement, an internship can be carried out at our cooperation partner, the University Hospital Zurich.
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Der Ausbildungsstart erfolgt jeweils im September. Aktuelle Ausschreibungen zur Direktanstellung finden Sie hier. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
Questions & Information
Oleksiy Marfenko, Ausbildungsverantwortlicher OP
+41 44 922 25 43 -
Medical-technical radiology HF
Specialists in medical-technical radiology carry out examinations and therapies on their own responsibility in accordance with a doctor's orders. They prepare patients for the respective situation and care for them during the examination or therapy. They make targeted use of diagnostic and therapeutic high-tech equipment as well as specific radiological software, which they master comprehensively. Detailed information on the job description, training and admission procedures is available from the Careum Education Center.
The three-year full-time training program begins each September and is divided into different modules. Within the modules, students alternate between school-based and practical units.
Are you interested in completing the practical modules at Männedorf Hospital? Or would you like to do a two-day trial internship with us? We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & Information
Tanja Schärli, Head of Training Radiology
+41 44 922 20 01
The postgraduate courses (NDS HF) in intensive care, emergency and anesthesia round off our training offering in the field of non-university professions. In close cooperation with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Z-INA), we offer the following two-year, part-time postgraduate courses at Männedorf Hospital.
Intensive Care NDS HF
In cooperation with the University Hospital Zurich (USZ), Männedorf Hospital offers advanced training places for the NDS Intensive Care twice a year (start April/October). The theory is taught at Z-INA, while the practical training takes place at Männedorf Hospital and the USZ. You will receive personal and individual support from our experienced trainers.
- Pflegediplom HF/FH oder gleichwertige Ausbildung (ausländische Diplome mit Anerkennung SRK
- Mind. 6 Monate Berufserfahrung in einem Akutspital in der Schweiz
Detailed information is provided by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Z-INA) and the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine.
Have we aroused your interest? Open training positions are advertised in the Jobs & Application section. We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & Information
Irene Rombach, Bildungsverantwortliche
+41 44 922 20 65Stefan Meinzer, Head of Intensive Care Nursing
+41 44 922 20 65 -
Emergency Nursing NDS HF
Männedorf Hospital offers two continuing education places per year for the NDS Emergency Nursing. The course starts on a quarterly basis. You will receive personal and individual support from our experienced professional trainers.
- Nursing diploma HF/FH or equivalent training (foreign diplomas with recognition SRK)
- At least 1 year of professional experience in an acute care hospital in Switzerland.
Detailed information is provided by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Z-INA),the Swiss Society for Intensive Care Medicine and the Swiss Society for Emergency and Rescue Medicine (SGNOR).
Have we aroused your interest? Open training positions are advertised in the Jobs & Application section. We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & Information
Celina Wellauer, Berufsbildnerin Notfallstation
+41 44 922 25 71Lars Schirmer, Leitung Notfallpflege
+41 44 922 25 34 -
Anesthesia Nursing NDS HF
Every year, Männedorf Hospital offers one continuing education place for the NDS Anesthesia Nursing. The course starts in March each year. You will receive personal and individual support from our experienced professional trainers.
- Nursing diploma HF/FH or equivalent training (foreign diplomas with recognition SRK)
- At least 1 year of professional experience in an acute care hospital in Switzerland.
Detailed information is provided by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Z-INA) and the Swiss Interest Group for Anesthesia Nursing (SIGA).
Have we aroused your interest? Open training positions are advertised in the Jobs & Application section. We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions and information
Claudia Auer, Berufsbildnerin Anästhesiepflege
+41 44 922 29 19Ines Cardoso, Stv. Leitung Anästhesiepflege
+41 44 922 29 21
University of Applied Sciences
Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) offer emphasized practice-oriented degree programs and continuing education courses at the university level. Gain the necessary practical experience at Männedorf Hospital. For students at universities of applied sciences, we offer internships in various professional fields.
Bachelor Nursing
Two-thirds of the bachelor's degree in nursing takes place at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), and one-third in the form of internships in healthcare institutions. At Männedorf Hospital, we offer internships in our nursing departments. The students are supervised and accompanied by a vocational instructor and qualified nursing professionals during their practical training.
Als Dipl. Pflegefachperson FH sind Sie verantwortlich für die selbständige Ausführung des pflegerischen Prozesses. Sie übernehmen Fach- und Führungsverantwortung in der Zusammenarbeit der verschiedenen Berufsgruppen, welche am Behandlungsplan der Patientinnen und Patienten beteiligt sind.
Zusatzmodul C
Anschliessend an das sechste Semester des Grundstudiums Pflege FH folgt die Praktikumsphase des Zusatzmoduls C. Je nach Vorbildung oder bereits geleisteten Praktika dauert diese Praktikumsphase unterschiedlich lang, längstens 10 Monate. Diese Praktikumsphase führt letztlich zur Berufsbefähigung.
Wenn die Studierenden ins Modul C eintreten, haben sie alle theoretischen Inhalte absolviert und auch alle Praktika während des Grundstudiums bestanden. Sie können ähnlich einer frischdiplomierten Pflegefachperson eingesetzt werden und doch dürfen sie noch nicht die ganze Verantwortung tragen. Sie werden gut eingeführt und sorgfältig an die Berufsbefähigung herangeführt.
Bewerbung Zusatzmodul C
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!Questions & Information
Ursula Müller, Leitung Bildung
+41 44 922 28 19Career choice
To make it easier for interested parties to choose a profession, we regularly organize two-day insight days into the nursing professions. Current dates can be found on our registration form. For further information, please contact our training team:, +41 44 922 28 20.
Our three- to six-month career orientation internships in the nursing service can also be helpful in choosing a career. For further information and inquiries about the internship, please contact the nursing department directly:, +41 44 922 28 01.
Bachelor Nutrition and Dietetics
Männedorf Hospital offers internships for students of nutrition and dietetics FH. You will work with us in a team with several professional women in part-time employment and will be individually and comprehensively accompanied in your learning process.
Nutrition counseling professionals advise and educate individuals, groups, and organizations on nutrition issues of all kinds. To this end, they provide nutrition education, information, counseling, therapy and education. The topic of nutrition is multi-faceted, complex and constantly changing based on scientific findings.
Students complete approximately two thirds of their studies at the Bern University of Applied Sciences, while one third takes the form of internships in the various fields of work (e.g. hospitals, nutritional counseling practices or industry). Detailed information on the Bachelor's program in Nutrition and Dietetics can be found on the website of the Bern University of Applied Sciences or at the Distance Learning University of Applied Sciences Switzerland.
Career choice
For decision-making in the choice of career, we offer insight days in nutrition counseling for interested parties. If you are interested, please contact us at any time!
Questions & Information
Lea Lyss Heinrich, Leitung Beratungen
+41 44 922 26 75 -
Bachelor midwife
Männedorf Hospital offers internships for students of midwifery FH. In the birthing room and on the postpartum ward, you will be individually supervised and accompanied by a vocational trainer and by qualified midwives and nurses during your practical training.
The midwifery degree program includes various practice modules. Midwives with a degree from a university of applied sciences have a broad practical, theoretical and scientific expertise in the topics of family planning, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding. Detailed information on the BSc Midwifery program can be found on the ZHAW website.
Questions and information
Ursula Müller, Leitung Bildung
+41 44 922 28 09 -
Bachelor Physiotherapy
About three quarters of the bachelor's degree program in physiotherapy are completed at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), one quarter in the form of internships in various clinical specialties (orthopedics/traumatology, rheumatology, internal medicine, visceral surgery). To obtain the bachelor's degree and professional qualification, two internships of 5 months each follow after graduation. Detailed information about the program can be found on the ZHAW website.
Physical therapists are experts at restoring and/or maintaining a person's mobility, strength, endurance, and conduction abilities.
Männedorf Hospital offers internships for students of physiotherapy FH. In the hospital's physiotherapy department, you will be supervised and accompanied by dedicated physiotherapists during your practical training.
Questions & Information
Romeo Müller, Head of Physiotherapy
+41 44 922 23 57 -
Bachelor Social Work
An important component of the degree program is the practical training, during which students are active in various fields of social work. As a social worker, you will support people in preventing or overcoming social problems associated with health impairments, taking into account the social environment.
Männedorf Hospital offers internships for social work students. You will work with us in a team of social workers and will be competently accompanied in your learning process. You can find more information about the Social Work program on the ZHAW website.
Training internship
We cooperate with various universities for social work and offer students an internship during their education with professional supervision by certified social workers. The internship usually lasts 6 months with a workload of 80%. It is also possible to agree on a lower workload, in which case the duration of employment is extended accordingly.
- In training at a university of social work
- Minimum age 25 years
- Interest in health issues and interdisciplinary collaboration
- Interest in short consultation
Have we aroused your interest? We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions and information
Social Counseling Männedorf Hospital
+41 44 922 22 75
Medical training and continuing education is an integral part at Männedorf Hospital. As a teaching hospital of the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich, we offer internships and courses from the third to the sixth year of study as well as clinical training in the context of assistantships.
We focus on practical training, with the responsible care of patients at the center. In every activity, whether at the bedside, in the operating room or in the diagnostic departments, we would like to support your commitment as young physicians and prepare you optimally for your state examination and later career through individual support. In addition, we offer interdisciplinary continuing education series and seminars that complement the respective internal hospital training program.
Clinical courses
In medias res - and very close to the pulse. During the semester, we hold a course once a week for students of the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich. This course clearly demonstrates how we are there for our patients around the clock. Together we visit and examine patients in the surgical clinic and discuss the cases.
Complete part of your elective year or a tertial of the practical year at our clinics of Surgery, Medicine, Gynecology & Obstetrics or at the Institute of Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine.
In the care of our patients, you will be guided by our assistant and senior physicians and can thus supplement your theoretical knowledge with practical experience. The chief physicians or senior physicians in charge receive a teaching assignment for their specialty from the Medical Faculty. The faculty conducts regular evaluations for quality assurance purposes.
We are always looking for sub-assistants. Please read all information about your application. We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & Information
Clinic Medicine
chefarztsekretariatmedizin@spitalmaennedorf.chClinic Surgery
chirurgie@spitalmaennedorf.chInstitute of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
j.gethmann@spitalmaennedorf.chGynecology & Obstetrics Clinic -
We offer assistantships in the Clinics of Medicine, Surgery, and Gynecology & Obstetrics.
In addition to the respective in-clinic training programs, our resident physicians participate in weekly interdisciplinary continuing education events. Active participation is encouraged through independent lecturing. The presence of senior physicians supports the lively discussion.
Regular joint complication reports are conducted by all clinics, which are intended to sensitize patients to recognize complications at an early stage and to manage them competently. The weekly interdisciplinary tumor board is also open to our residents. Here, the cases of those patients whom we treat at Männedorf Hospital for a malignancy are discussed. In a team of surgeons, gynecologists, gastroenterologists, oncologists and radiologists, the results of the diagnostics, further clarifications and therapy are discussed.
Our residents are entitled to five days of external training per year. These must be approved by the person responsible for continuing education.
Have we aroused your interest? You can find open assistant positions in the Jobs & Application section. We look forward to receiving your application!
Questions & Information
Annette Stübi, HR Business Partner
+41 44 922 22 25

The Clinics of Surgery, Internal Medicine and Gynecology & Obstetrics as well as the Institutes of Intensive Care Medicine and Radiology are certified training centers of the Swiss Institute for Continuing Medical Education (SIWF).