About this disease

What it concerns

Stomach cancer is one of the ten most common tumor diseases in Western Europe and occurs mostly in older people, with men being affected more frequently than women. Exact causes are not known. However, in addition to a possible genetic predisposition, tobacco consumption and Helicobacter pylori infections of the gastric mucosa are among the most important risk factors for the development of gastric cancer.

Symptoms and consequences

In the early phase of the disease, stomach cancer is usually detected as an incidental finding during a gastroscopy by the gastroenterologist. It is only in the later stages that symptoms such as loss of appetite, bloating, nausea, vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen, difficulty swallowing, pain during or after eating, unwanted weight loss, sudden intolerance of foods or gastric bleeding may occur.

How we can help you

Examination and diagnosis

To diagnose stomach cancer, a gastroscopy, or gastroscopy, is performed. In this painless examination method, a thin, flexible tube with a built-in mini camera is inserted into the stomach. Changes can be made visible and tissue samples taken. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, further investigations are carried out using gastroscopic ultrasound (endosonography) or computer tomography (CT) to rule out involvement of the surrounding lymph nodes and metastases, i.e. distant tumors elsewhere in the body.


Treatment is determined during an interdisciplinary tumor case discussion. Well-demarcated, small gastric carcinomas can usually be operated on. Locally advanced tumors that have already spread outside the stomach are treated with chemotherapy or radiochemotherapy before surgery. For the best possible chances of cure, chemotherapy is continued after surgery, depending on the stage. Gastric cancer with metastases to other organs cannot be cured. Palliative chemotherapy helps to control the disease as far as possible.

Responsible departments

Visceral surgery


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