About this disease

What it is about

In order not to bleed to death, the human organism reacts to bleeding by stopping the bleeding. This involves complex reactions and interactions involving the vessel walls, the platelets and specialized proteins found in the blood, the so-called coagulation factors. If one of these components is disturbed, a coagulation disorder is present.


A distinction is made between acquired and congenital coagulation disorders. Congenital disorders can be inherited. In this case, several family members are often affected at the same time. Coagulation disorder is the umbrella term for thrombophilias and coagulopathies. Thrombophilia refers to a tendency to blood clots, i.e. blood vessels become clogged. Coagulopathy refers to a tendency to bleed, i.e. when bleeding is unusually severe or lasts too long.

Symptoms and consequences

Thrombophilias are associated with a tendency to thrombosis, which means that clots form in places or at moments when clot formation is not necessary, for example, without there being an injury. These clots then clog blood vessels, and thrombosis in the leg veins, pulmonary embolism, or occlusion in more unusual locations can occur. Coagulopathies are associated with delayed or reduced clot formation. This can lead to severe bleeding during surgery, but also to spontaneous bleeding without injury or trauma.

What we do for you

Examination and diagnosis

The medical history is extremely important, i.e. the exact clinical picture and the exact circumstances of the event must be asked. Information about similar diseases in the family also helps in the clarification. This is followed by a blood sample. The blood is examined for its coagulation properties. In some cases, genetic tests are also performed in addition to such functional analyses.


If a clotting disorder is detected on the basis of the examinations, the aim is to prevent any future clots or bleeding. Depending on the existing clotting disorder, the appropriate treatment concept is determined. This is supplemented by comprehensive advice on preventing recurrences and on how to deal with problem situations such as operations, accidents or similar.

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