As a complex structure, the spine must support, protect and move our body. Diseases or injuries to individual building blocks of the spine often lead to restricted movement, stiffness or pain during movement. If medically possible, all conservative treatment options are always exhausted first. The main reasons for surgery are severe motor deficits/paralysis, bladder/bowel dysfunction and pain that cannot be controlled conservatively (e.g. root and/or nerve pain). Thanks to modern surgical techniques, a wide variety of spinal disorders can be operated on in a manner which is gentle to surrounding tissue.
Treatment is always carried out in close cooperation with our experienced specialists from the fields of spinal surgery, neurosurgery and orthopedics.
We would like to support and accompany you as a patient in the best possible way, as decisions for a surgical intervention, particularly in the spinal area must be made carefully and with consideration of your personal needs.
Common complaints
- Back pain
- Herniated discs
- Injuries of the spine including vertebral fractures (stabilization, kyphoplasty, vertebroplasty)
- Spinal stenosis
- Instabilities
- Degenerative (wear and tear) and rheumatic changes (e.g. spondylolisthesis)
- Inflammations or tumors of the spine
Our services
Spine consultation
Clarification of back complaints, e.g. due to slipped discs, signs of wear and tear, rheumatic changes, etc., and the drawing up of a treatment plan.
Disc surgery
With gentle procedures such as microsurgery or endoscopy.
Vertebral fracture surgery
Surgical procedures such as vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty for the treatment of vertebral fractures, e.g. in osteoporosis.
Diseases and conditions of the spine
Misalignment of the spine (scoliosis)
Hippocrates already described and treated scoliosis. The cause is unclear in most cases, but there is a family history. Scoliosis is a curvature of the back in which the vertebral bodies are inclined more than 10 degrees to each other. This affects about one percent of the population. Mild scoliosis occurs with about equal frequency in girls and boys. More severe curvatures are much more common in girls. Most scolioses do not occur until after the age of ten.
Back pain (lumbago, lumbalgia)
In the majority of cases back pain is harmless and unspecific and subsides within a few weeks, sometimes it can however occur repeatedly, become chronic and lead to limitations of movement. The most common form of back pain is low back pain, i.e. pain in the lower back. This can occur suddenly or gradually. The technical term for this is lumbalgia.
The spine - explained in 60 seconds
The responsible department
Surgery clinic
Spine & Neurosurgery
Asylstrasse 10
8708 Männedorf
Tel. +41 44 922 26 50
Fax +41 44 922 25 05